イメージ:共同利用・共同研究拠点 PRiME
イメージ:共同利用・共同研究拠点 PRiME
イメージ:共同利用・共同研究拠点 PRiME
イメージ:共同利用・共同研究拠点 PRiME
イメージ:共同利用・共同研究拠点 PRiME

Message from the Director

Proteins are the fundamental building blocks of life. Proteins in higher organisms, including humans, rarely function on their own, but work in complexes with other proteins. Therefore, in addition to elucidating the functions of individual proteins, the elucidation of protein complex networks (proteo-interactomics) is of fundamental importance in life science research.
PRiME studies protein complexes, which are often composed of multiple types of proteins, as functional units, rather than proteins that function on their own. This concept was born from the need to deepen our understanding of biological phenomena involving protein complexes in order to seek new targets for drug discovery. PRiME provides both biochemical interactome analyses using protein arrays (our speciality!), and in vivo interactome analyses using proximal-dependent biotinylindole (AirID), to researchers in all fields of life sciences. We hope to stimulate a wide range of basic life science research fields through the promotion of collaboration. We hope that this will lead to a better understanding of basic life science mechanisms, but also to the identification of drug and vaccine targets. We are looking forward to collaborating with you all!

PROS Joint Research Program for Protein Interactome (PRiME), Ehime University
Director Tatsuya Sawasaki, PhD

Call for joint research and collaborative use

We invite applications for joint research projects on proteo-interactome analyses based on PROS's world-class technologies such as wheat cell-free protein synthesis, protein arrays, and proximity biotinylation enzyme (AirID). Travel and research expenses will be provided for selected proposals. Those who wish to conduct joint research are requested to discuss with PRiME staff regarding the research content, research expenses, etc. prior to application.

If the results of the joint research are to be published during or after the research period, a PDF of the publication should be sent by email to the 'Application form submission address', below.
In addition, the work concerned must include the following text in the acknowledgements section:
“This study was supported by the Joint Usage/Research Center for Proteointeractome, PRiME, Ehime University.”

Address for submission of documents and enquiries

PROS Joint Research Program for Protein Interactome (PRiME), Ehime University
3 Bunkyo-cho, Matsuyama 790-8577, Japan

About PRiME

PRiME is a newly accredited Ministry of Education, Culture, Sports, Science and Technology "Joint Usage and Research Center" for the 4th Mid-term Target Period (2022-2027). PRiME is a core center for proteo-interactome analysis, which aims to comprehensively clarify protein-protein interactions from both biochemical and in vivo analyses, which are indispensable in a wide range of fields in the life sciences, from basic biology to medicine, dentistry, pharmacology and agriculture. To contribute to the development of life science research in Japan, PROS is promoting joint research using its unique cell-free protein synthesis and protein interaction analysis technologies. In addition, PROS is actively engaging in joint research with a number of companies to develop new drugs and diagnostic methods for social implementation. The Center will further strengthen its collaborative research functions with universities, research institutes, and biotechnology companies in Japan and abroad, and contribute to the development and internationalization of young researchers. It aims to lead proteo-interactome research in Japan.


PRiME's unique technologies

Wheat Cell-free Protein Synthesis

  • Ideal for the synthesis of proteins that are otherwise difficult to biosynthesise
  • Can be used in combination with other technologies, for example protein arrays
  • As it retains the three-dimensional structure of the protein, it also retains the function of the protein.
  • Capable of synthesising membrane proteins.

Protein Array

  • With a complete human protein array containing 28,000 human proteins, we are able to carry out practical drug discovery and interaction analyses.

Proximity Biotinylation Enzyme (AirID)

  • Interacting proteins can be labeled with biotin.
  • High activity and specificity, low cytotoxicity.
  • Discover interacting proteins in living organisms such as cells, animals and plants
  • AirID has a wide range of potential applications, including the discovery of drug targets.